Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Tribute

Today is a very special day. I am finally launching this blog on the 22nd day of April. You see, 22 is my favorite number. My birthday and wedding day are both on the 22nd. I have always planned to start a blog every 22nd of the month but something will always get in the way (laziness, maybe). :)

Now, on this 22nd day of the month, I give to you, View from the Philippines, a blog about living in the Philippines. Posts will vary but the main focus will be Philippine culture. It is a tribute to all Filipinos and an information guide to those who are not.

The study of culture has always fascinated me. I love observing my fellow Filipinos and the way we interact with the world. This blog aims to present my culture, from language to food to the most trivial detail of the Filipino psyche. I am not a know-it-all person but I will include my sources if the topic becomes too academic or is verifiable only by an expert.

So if you want to know more about the Philippines, read on.

Welcome to my world, my view, A View from the Philippines.

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